Oak Wilt Vectors Emergence Thermal Model

Thermal model:

Location: 43.0°N, -87.9°W (show on Google maps)
Date range: January 1, 2024 to May 02, 2024

Degree day model: Base 41°F
Total degree days: 441.4 Fahrenheit degree days
Oak wilt high risk period: 231 - 2172 degree days and date prior to July 15

Predicted risk: High - peak vector flight

Recommendation for May 02, 2024:

Wounding/pruning/harvesting oaks should be avoided.

If an oak is wounded, consider applying wound dressing immediately to wounds and the last three growth rings of cut stumps. Though not scientifically proven, herbicide application to stumps is believed to make the stump less suitable for pathogen infection.

Forest setting: If your stand is in a county that has oak wilt OR within 6 miles of a county with oak wilt, any activities that may wound oaks should only be considered under certain conditions. Read Oak Harvesting Guidelines to Reduce the Risk of Introduction and Spread of Oak wilt for details.

Estimated vector emergence status: Based on the degree day model (Jagemann et al., 2018), it is estimated that at least 25% of Colopterus truncatus and 5% of Carphophilus sayi have emerged as of the specified date. C. truncatus and C. sayi are the two most important insects that transmit oak wilt in Wisconsin. C. truncatus emerges earlier in spring than C. sayi.

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